Simplify with Megan
Welcome to Simplify with Megan - your new favorite podcast to listen to for simple strategies on running and growing your online business.
I'm your host, Megan King, and I'm a busy mom of two (with another baby on the way!) I've got to keep my business as simple as possible. But that doesn't mean things have to be boring! I'm all about having FUN while you run your business and making sure you do things your way.
You can expect to learn everything from strategies on growing a profitable and successful coaching business, getting clients, creating social media content, launching courses, personal growth and mindset, self-care, and so much more!
Simplify with Megan has been previously known as both Mommy Knows Business with Meg King and The Productive Life Podcast with Megan Minns.
Simplify with Megan
How I went from totally stuck to gaining momentum
Last week I was SO STUCK. 😩 I struggled to show up online, I was overthinking everything, and I was looking to others for solutions... And it totally sucked.
But after almost a week of feeling BLAH I decided I was fed up. 👎
So I took some intentional action and had some BIG mindset shifts along the way...
And now I feel more momentum and excitement than ever before! 😍
So how did I get unstuck?
I'm sharing the 3 actions and 3 mindset shifts that took me from STUCK to EXCITED in this episode of Mommy Knows Business.
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Welcome back to Mommy Knows Business, the podcast where we mix business and motherhood. I am your host Meg. I'm a mom of two I'm an online business coach for busy mom entrepreneurs like you and I have been stuck I would say last week in particular, I was very stuck, probably energetically the most stuck I've been in months and months since starting my business back. And for. For me, this was kind of a surprise. It felt like it came out of nowhere. All of the sudden, all of this momentum I had been building for months and months and months kind of just stopped. And it went from being really easy to post on Instagram stories and post on my reels and send emails and show up and serve my clients, all of it. There was so much momentum and all of the sudden. randomly, it was gone. I felt completely blocked. I didn't know how to express the things in my mind. I had ideas of concepts, but I couldn't actually break them down into words or content. I didn't really want to create. I really started to seek. Solutions outside of myself, and this is the biggest red flag indicator for me when I am going off the rails because I tend to operate very intuitively. I love to learn. I love to, you know, see what's being done out there and then basically take it all and make it my own. And so I tend to operate very intuitively using this like resource of knowledge and experience that I've had since I've been doing business since like 2010. I didn't just like make decisions and move forward, but when I am really in a bad place mindset wise, I don't know what I'm even saying. What's my point? Let's start over. Welcome back to Mommy Knows... Welcome back to Mommy Knows Business, the podcast where we mix business and motherhood. I'm your host, Meg. I'm a mom of two. I am an online business coach for busy mom entrepreneurs like you. And today we're talking about how I went from feeling completely stuck last week. This is a recent story, a recent experience. experience to feeling complete momentum and effortless action again. And I really felt compelled to share this story with you because as I am having conversations with my Rich Mom Club clients, with my private clients, there seems to be a pattern and a genuine experience going on. A general. I don't know, vibe and in the online space where a lot of us are feeling stuck and particularly stuck when it comes to creating content and showing up online. And this is where I found myself last week, which is why I wanted to share how I got unstuck. But let me paint the picture for where I was at. So I started my business back in May and it is now the end of September. I can't believe that. And I would say since May there has been this like continuous. Momentum. I've been taking intuitive action. Things have been building. Things have been like going in a good direction and What i've been most proud of is how i've been showing up on the podcast and showing up on instagram In a way that's far less edited. That's more authentic That's less about perfectionism, and it's actually been a really healthy mindset for me to be in. It's allowed me to operate really freely in my business and gain that momentum. So it was very surprising to me when all of the sudden last week, it's like it just all stopped. And there was really no correlation. I was getting sales, like nothing happened that I can discern that caused this, except for the fact that we're human. And as women, we especially like our cyclical creatures. And so. As our hormones shift, you know, some of the shifts and so I feel like that was a big in like a big reason for this for me last week, but regardless of the reason, it took me by surprise and I found myself like completely stuck, not just like, Oh, I don't know, blah, blah, blah. It was like, I'm stuck. I am blocked. I am lethargic. I don't know how to show up. I don't even know what I would say. Who am I? Imposter syndrome, you know, it's just like. All at once, it just like all happened out of the blue. And I also started to seek solutions in other people. And this is a big indicator for me personally, when I am not trusting my intuition, when I am not connected with like the healthy mindset that works really well for me. I can always tell because I start operating like other people have a secret strategy. Like oh, they are more successful than me because they're doing something I'm not. They know something I don't. I am missing some secret strategy. The way they have grown their Instagram is so much faster than mine and they must be doing something super secret and they have the answer. And if I just pay them lots of money, I'll have the answer, right? For me, I love investing in mentors and courses, but there's a big difference when that comes from a place of empowered, intentional decision making of where I want to invest and the space I want to put myself in and the mentor I want to work with and the content I want to master versus desperately seeking solutions and making like quick rash decisions, because I think there's like some secret answer out there. Right. And so that's where I found myself last week. I wanted to join this course, that course. I felt like I needed to just tap into all these other people. I just was looking elsewhere for answers. I was looking at other people's business models. Oh, well, I could do this that way or this that way. And well, they seem really happy that way. And it's like, man, what is happening? It's so different from how I've been feeling for the past many months. And. Like I said, it caught me by surprise. So I don't know if you can resonate with any of this feeling of like, not only stuck from a content creation standpoint and feeling like you just don't know how to start showing up again or what to say, but also from like a business decision making standpoint, from like a personal standpoint, I ultimately was really disconnected from my intuition. I was overthinking. I wasn't trusting. And I kept... Um, trying to be more strategic. I think I've mentioned this on a podcast before. I've definitely mentioned it to some of my private clients in the scoop, but because I've been operating so intuitively for the past several months, I had this story that I needed to start incorporating a little bit of strategy and that I wanted to incorporate a little bit of strategy. And I think that's still a little true, but this is one of the things that I do think set off. It's This stuck feeling last week, because I went from totally trusting myself and just taking the action that felt right for me and my business to thinking that my, I needed to have a sales page that looked like someone else's sales page. Right. Or like I needed to have a podcast episode about this or write an email about this or have a certain number of posts about this, right? There's nothing wrong with any of those things. Those are all great things to do, but it was a very distinct shift for me. To go from a place of creating because I wanted to and I felt like that was the right thing to do versus someone else said to do it. Right? You can see and feel the difference there, right? And so for me, I just was like, I don't know what to do. So. That was me all last week, basically. And towards the end of the week, I was just like, I'm, I'm not going to get stuck here. And so there are a couple actions I did and some mindset shifts that ended up happening over the past couple of days that really allowed me to break out of this. Really, really stuck energy space that I was in. So let's talk about what those actions are and what the mindset shifts were, because I think regardless of why we get stuck, why you may be stuck when you're listening to this, I think that some of these actions and mindset shifts are going to be really helpful. The first thing is that I sought help. Now, I know I just talked about how looking outside for answers isn't always a good thing for me, but there's a big difference here between thinking someone has some secret solution to acknowledging that I am in a mindset loop that is not serving me and seeking mentorship and support from my trusted. Network, right? You see, there's a big difference there. And so I realized I didn't want to stay in this space. I didn't want to let this stuck energy continue or worsen or amplify or like do any of that. I was, I did want to move beyond it and through it. And so I sought out help for me. That meant going to my mentor and explaining, Hey, this is kind of where I'm stuck. I know that I'm stuck and I just kind of need Um, you to reflect back to me, like what's going on here. And so going to my mentor for help to work through this was key. She actually really gave me some great mindset shifts that I'll talk about in a minute that really helped me jump out of this. And then I also was talking to some of my friends and my business friends who I trust and have been friends with for years. Um, and by talking it out loud, by saying how I was feeling verbally and in front of other people, I was able to not only catch myself in thoughts that I don't actually align with, but also have things reflected back to me. And I think that's one of the most beautiful things about online friendships and. Friends of any kind, obviously, um, but really mentors and masterminds is having people that you trust that you can be very honest with Reflect things back to you is one of the ways I up level the fastest one of the ways My like world expands and I activate is when people reflect things back to you because it's really easy for us to get in our Own bubble right and kind of get stuck and viewing things in a certain way So that's one of the reasons I love being in a master and being in mentorship spaces is because It's so amazing to have that reflected back to you. It's one of my favorite things to do as a mentor with my clients as well. So that was the first thing I did was I sought help. I was ready to get out of this. So I sought out trusted mentors and friends and verbalized what I was feeling and was open to feedback and open to things being reflected back to me, right? Open to being called out on my own. Shit, I'm going to have to mark this episode as explicit just because of that, but that's just the truth, right? So I, I would say I also did some journaling here, but to be totally blunt with you, that was like helpful after I had these conversations, but I really am a verbal processor. And so I kind of needed those verbal conversations to kick off the rest of the changes from happening. So that's why I brought this up first is because seeking out that help and that mentorship. Really was the domino effect that leads to everything else I'm about to talk about in this episode number two the second action I did was what my dear friend Mariah cause said was Looking at my own paper, you know that phrase when you're in school and they're like you're taking a test I'm like eyes on your own paper, right as I was talking to her. She's one of the people I was referencing in Action item one, and I was verbally saying how so and so does something this way and so and so does something that way and well, I could do this and I could do that and they do this. I knew that that was not coming from a healthy mindset, but one of the things she reflected back to me was just how much I was looking outside of myself for. Answers. I didn't really realize how bad this thought loop had gotten at that point, even in just a couple of days. And so she was like, lovingly eyes on your own paper. Like you don't, we all know my biggest value and what I teach and preach here is that I don't think there's one right or wrong way to do it. And that's what I think. Was confusing me in the moment was because there are mentors out there that I love and admire all very successful All around the same level of success all doing things a hundred percent different and to me on a normal basis That is evidence that there's no right or wrong way to do this But when I was stuck in this loop and basically comparing myself to other people even people I like love and admire it was causing me to like completely disconnect from that value, right? It was causing me to act as if I didn't truly believe that there is no right or wrong. And so having that reflected back to me of like, look at your own paper was huge. And it really was a big shift for me of like, okay, we love to learn. We love to work with people, but. Um, we need to put a pause on that right now. We need to stop consuming other people's content. We need to stop seeking out what our favorite mentors are doing and how they're doing it. We need to like take a break. And I love how I'm saying we as like, uh, it's just me here. I don't know why I do that. And so this was a big shift for me. It was talking about it and through some of these conversations realizing just how much I was looking outside of myself. And so I basically stopped like these courses I have are incredible resources, but I am not in the right mindset for that right now. What I need is to shift inward. And so that was really my second step here was to discontinue consuming content from these people and to, I like not in a dramatic way either. Right? Like I didn't unfollow anyone or mute people or anything, but it was just noticing my own consumption habits. And instead of like opening up. And going to someone's Kajabi course or going to someone's podcast episode. It was just kind of like for a couple of days here, we just need to take a breather from consuming content and learning and instead just like work with what we've got. So that was number two. The third action I took was to. Break myself out of existing patterns by changing up how I was doing almost everything. So from simple things like instead of sitting at my desk, stand at my desk. I'm doing that right now. I'm standing. From answering Voxer messages while I'm sitting in a chair in my office, shift that to answering Voxer messages while I'm walking outside. Simple things like listening to different music. While I'm working or even having a different work schedule. So I started trying to get a little bit of work done in the morning before the kids wake up. And, and just like all these little minor tweaks that on their own might seem insignificant, but the reality of these minor tweaks is they break that pattern. They break what your brain expects to happen. And it allows you to get out of these thought loops, right? Because our brain loves to get trained to do certain things. And so if we come in and sit in our chair and do this thing and open this and do this and think this way and feel this way, that becomes a pattern we don't even think about. We come and we sit at our desk and suddenly we feel this way without even doing anything, right? It's called conditioning. I was a psychology major. I don't know that I used that degree very much, but it felt relevant there. Um, so one thing that I did was just how can I change that? How can I stand instead of sit? How can I move my desk? How can I listen to different music? How can I work outside? Or like, not at my desk? I think for me, I'm a big environmental person, so like, shifting my environment and physical location makes a really big difference. For you, these tweaks could look very different, obviously. Um, even like wearing different clothes anyways, I could go on and on, but that's the third thing I did was I broke myself out of these patterns by changing and making these really minor tweaks. And I would say these three things are the actions that allowed me to go from feeling totally stuck to having this like effortless momentum again. And they're very simple actions, right? Like. This isn't rocket science, and that's what's beautiful about it, and I hope when you're listening to this, that's your takeaway from this, is you could get unstuck like right now by just like doing a handful of things in a couple of minutes. Reach out to a mentor that you work with, or a mastermind you're in, or a friend you have, or if you don't have those, get those and have this conversation and get unstuck pretty quickly. You can choose to stop consuming content. Hey, would love for you to listen to this podcast, but anything I create is meant to be of service to you. And if it's not like put a pause on it, that's cool. And so look at your own paper, eyes on your own stuff. Maybe it's just like a day, maybe you need like a couple months. Everyone's their own person here, but like put the blinders on. And then the third thing you can do is just change up your environment or how you do things or these patterns, like just change the order of operations or when you do things anyways, that's it. Those three things, it's that simple. And you may get a huge breakthrough from even one of these things. You may not even have to do all three for me, these three things compounding on top of each other. Made me get unstuck super, super fast with this was the mindset shifts, right? So we have the physical action that makes a huge change. And then we have the mindset shift that comes through that action. And so we have the three physical things we did and then the mindset shifts. So the first mindset shift that was like a game changer for me. And I think was really what started. The whole process of getting unstuck before I even talked to my mentors and stuff was just telling myself, acknowledging, claiming, and deciding that this doesn't mean anything about me. Feeling stuck does not mean anything more than that I feel stuck right now. I can allow it. I don't have to let it mean that I am a inconsistent person or unreliable or I'm in the wrong path or like something's wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me to be fixed. It's normal to ebb and flow and to have energy shift. And instead of this becoming a thing that was a problem about me as a person, it was just something to acknowledge, to allow. And to accept and to choose to work through and shift out of what a different energy right from going and thinking that there's something literally wrong with you that you suck as a person and you can never make this work to, Oh, okay, well, I'm a human. This is normal. Let's like live life. Let's allow. And then let's also take intentional action to try to get out of this because we don't feel good here. Feeling in this way isn't serving us, but it doesn't doesn't mean anything about you. Feeling stuck doesn't mean anything about you or your business or if you can do this or any of that. You're good. You're just a human. And so like, let's like accept, allow, and then shift out of it. Right? So that was a huge mindset shift for me where it wasn't like I need to be fixed or it meant some bigger thing about me as a person or my identity. So, number one, it doesn't mean anything about you either. The second mindset shift, the second mindset shift was to release the pressure on every action and piece of content I was creating to be successful. For me, I felt this stuck energy Instagram or create a podcast or create content of any kind. And I realized that I was putting so much, and this was like an unconscious thing I was doing, but I was like during this week, putting so much pressure on each piece of content, each action to be the right piece of content, to say the right things, to look the right way, to have a specific outcome, right? Especially last week, I was talking a lot about Rich Mom Club, and I was really trying to like... Honor that I had some urgency and talk about it more than than I was Previously and like I didn't want to shift into the next thing yet anyways But because of that I was trying to be a little bit more strategic I was feeling like there was a right and a wrong way to post, which again goes against all of my values. I genuinely don't believe that and yet I found myself stuck in that same thought pattern last week. I was absolutely feeling like there was a right and a wrong post. There's a right and a wrong email. There's a right and a wrong time to send this email or how many emails or how many posts or blah, blah, blah. And realizing that and deciding to release the pressure and deciding that my content can suck, deciding that my engagement doesn't matter, deciding to give two shits about the outcome of any action or piece of content I create was critical for me because like if you post something and no one engages that. That is a shitty feeling and it's really easy for that to impact you, right? And so this is where we have to choose and decide that it literally doesn't like we're all going to get better the more we practice and we're not going to get better at all if we don't ever practice. And so how can each piece of content just be an opportunity to learn, to experiment, to test, to be creative, to be playful, to have fun and to just like post and move on. It literally doesn't matter. So I went from feeling like it all mattered to just like, let's just literally post something and like move on. And I'm not even going to dwell about if it got likes or comments or views or replies, like, or if it led to a sale, right? Like it just doesn't matter. And all of it, all of the actions we take, all of the content we create is a compounding effect. Anyways, right? It's going to build over time, not only from your skills getting better, but from like the reciprocity with your community, the no, like, and trust. You don't just consume one piece of content and buy someone's like 10, 000 program. I mean, maybe you do, but you're probably going to at least look at a couple of other posts, maybe join their email list. Maybe like look at their Instagram story highlight. I don't know. Maybe not. But. I do that. I'm going to see a piece of content that I really, really like, follow that person and then eventually invest with them if it's the right fit. But there might be quite a bit of time or action steps in between A and B, right? And that's normal and okay. And yet we put such a high standard on ourselves to have each piece of content go from A to B instantly. And one piece of content expecting someone to see it and buy from us, right? And that's just so much pressure. So the second mindset shift mindset shift, I don't know why I can't say that today was to release this pressure to allow myself to have bad content. I don't think my content is bad. I think it's great, but like you get the mindset, right. I've just been like, it really doesn't matter if it's good or bad. What does that even mean? There really is no good or bad. It's just me doing my part. All I can do is show up. And post and give value and get better at communicating and articulating what I want to articulate. And I can't control who sees it on their feed. I can't control who engages. I can't control any of that. So I ultimately can't control the success of it at all anyway. So like, why am I putting all this pressure? So, choosing to release the pressure on each action and piece of content was... A game changer and I honestly feel like having this shift the past couple of days has unlocked a new level for me Like more so than I even was in before like y'all don't even know the about the stuff That's about to come out of here is gonna be so good. And even if it sucks I'm feeling so good about it and I'm feeling excited and I'm feeling that momentum which again was was what I was desiring I wanted to get unstuck and here I am feeling Not only unstuck, but like a greater sense of momentum than I even did before. And that's possible for you too. The third mindset shift here was realizing that taking intuitive action was me being strategic. I mentioned this a little bit earlier in the episode, but I like to take intuitive action. I like to trust myself and say, oh, this seems like the right thing to do. Let's, let's go for it. And I have had this story and tell my mentor reflected it back to me. I have had this story that I could either be intuitive or strategic. And that when I was being intuitive and taking fast and perfect action, I was not being strategic. They felt like. And I don't know that I really realized this, but now I can see I definitely felt like these were opposites. Like intuitive over here, strategic over here. Different things, polar opposites. That's how I was acting. I definitely don't believe that, but 100 percent that's how I was acting and showing up. And even in conversations, I was like, well, I have been intuitive, but I think it's time to be more strategic. And they felt like opposite things. And what I was realizing through talking to my mentor was that my intuitive action is strategic, and especially in my instance, I've been in the online space since like 2010. My specific business I'm in now, I started in 2014. I've been doing business coaching since 2017. I've been in the online marketing space since 2014 and like I know a lot, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience and I've seen. Trends come and go and industry shifts happen and big names come and go. And, you know, like I've seen a lot already and I had a story that this was the curse of knowledge. And I had the story that, um, that like strategy looked a certain way, right? Strategy was like sitting and making a plan. And what I realized through talking to my mentor was that. You can be strategic when you're trusting your intuition because your intuition is Taking your years of experience into consideration. And so for me, I Don't have the curse of knowledge. I have the gift of knowledge and when my intuition says hey Let's tease this on Instagram stories, tell people the basic price point, have them sign up to my waitlist and then, you know, in a day or two, we'll send out a special price to the email list. And then the next day it'll go public. Like, I just came up with that. And in my head, that's what I'm doing right now, by the way, for my next offer. I'll talk about that in a minute. But like, that is not something I learned from someone else. It's from years of my own experience and my own knowledge and witnessing all the different trends and being behind the scenes of a bunch of different types of businesses. And that is a strategy, right? And what's funny after having this conversation with my mentor is that I realized. And my intuitive actions are extremely strategic. I'm just not sitting there planning it out necessarily, but I can reverse engineer it and see all of the strategic decisions I intuitively made along the way that led to success. And this was a big shift for me. And you may not have been in the industry as long as me, or your expertise may be in some other version of the business and your life, but I'm guaranteeing you. That you have those moments where you're like, this is what I want to do. And you second guess yourself and you say, well, I don't know if that's the right way to do this. I don't know if that's the most strategic way for me to go forward. I don't know if that's going to work and like that it like we need to cut that part out. What you need to do is start trusting those intuitive nudges and yes, we can refine. Yes, we can learn and improve and get better and better. But we need to start trusting that intuitive hit where we're like, Oh, this isn't just like a thing that I thought that I should disregard. It's like, Oh, my intuition is coming up with a strategy for me. Yes, I can use the resources around me to expand and refine, but I ultimately have a core strategy through just trusting myself. And the idea that my intuition and my strategic self are actually one in the same and that my intuition is doing the strategy work for me is so incredibly cool and very exciting and has been incredibly rewarding. Empowering. And these three mindset shifts have truly unlocked the next level of me. I am so excited to see where things go from here for myself and for the business because Oh man, like what are words? I just feel so good. I felt good before then I felt terrible for a week. I was so stuck. And then now here I am unlocking the next level. And I think someone out there who's an expert in like energetics would probably say that that's normal but I I just want to share these with you because I believe that this can happen for you, too I believe you can go from feeling stuck whether it's for a day or a year to feeling So much momentum and confidence and clarity and excitement and enthusiasm. This is totally possible for you. You don't have to implement all of these things. Maybe one of them really resonated with you. Go with it. If some of it didn't disregard it, but I hope that this can help you get unstuck. And just to recap those three mindset shifts. The first one was attaching, um, or detaching my worth from feeling stuck, making sure that feeling stuck didn't mean anything about me in a larger sense. Number two was releasing the pressure for each action or piece of content to be successful or the right one. And the third was just realizing that my intuition is also strategic and that those are really the same thing. Um, and I've, I've talked about it a couple of times here on the episode already about my next offer. And I feel like it's been something that's been on my like heart and brain for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure what form it was going to take. And it's funny to look back and see how so many of my podcast episodes already are so related to what's coming next. And what's coming next is called Next Level You. It is an audio only program, which I'm so excited about. Basically it means a private podcast feed. And there's going to be a set number of episodes. They're going to be dropping in October and there's going to be basically two phases of Next Level U. Before I get into the nitty gritty of those phases, Next Level U is here to help you up level, get unstuck, get insane momentum and clarity and excitement. Really quickly, and it's going to be so good. I'm so excited. It's really the perfect way for us to be kind of entering the last bit of the year because it's going to help you. Really drill down on exactly what you want at a bigger picture, making sure your plans are aligned with it. And then there's going to be episodes to help you get out of very specific mindset blocks, like what we just talked about. So this is going to be an audio only program, which is going to be so much fun. And if you are on my email list, you are actually going to get a very special 24 hour. Um, investment option, a big savings. And then once this goes public and I start talking about it on Instagram, the price will go up. And then once the, um, episodes are live in October, the investment will kind of go to what it's normally going to be at. So I'm so excited. So if you aren't already on my email list, you definitely want to join it. So you want to go to Hey, Meg King. com forward slash. Newsletter. And you can just get on my newsletter. I'll also have a link beneath this episode where you can go into the specific waitlist form if you want. That way I know you're specifically interested in this and next level you. And I'm just so excited. So let's get into the nitty gritty piece that I didn't go into detail on a second ago. The first half of the program. And these are going to be like what you would think of as a lesson in a course platform. Each lesson is basically going to be a podcast episode, and this is going to be great because you can listen to it on the go wherever you are as many times as you want. And I think this is going to be the perfect way to go through. Um, this experience of, of up leveling together. So the first part is going to walk you through a couple of key exercises in creating your vision, identifying your next level self, how to start showing up on a daily basis as your next level self. And this first part of the program is going to help you really get crystal clear on where you're going, why you're going there and how to start shifting your daily actions like immediately. It's going to be so good. The second part. Of the, of the program is going to be what I'm currently calling like audio activations. We'll see if I changed my mind on what to call them, but right now audio activations feels very real and resonant because it's going to be about activating you when you're in a tough mindset space. So for example, there's going to be one that's listened to this when you're feeling stuck. Listen to this when you're feeling afraid of what other people think of you. Listen to this when you're feeling overwhelmed. Listen to this when you're feeling indecisive. Listen to this when you're feeling afraid to fail. And what I hope for these audio activations is that they become a resource you come back to as you need it, when you need it, right? So when you realize you're feeling stuck and indecisive, You don't have to sit there and be like, ah, I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. How do I do this? And you know, go through all the stuff I just talked about. I went through the past week. You can open up next level you on your phone, go to the episode, listen to this when you're stuck or listen to this when you're feeling indecisive, listen to it and get activated and jump out of it right away. I'm so excited. It's going to be so good. Like I said, these are going to start going live in October, and if you do join before they go live in October, you'll get a special savings. But if you're on my email list, you'll get a very, very special 24 hour savings. So I'm very excited. And I think that that's going to go out on Wednesday, September 27th. We'll see. I like to take intuitive action, so maybe it'll happen, uh, I don't know, it'll probably happen then. And so we'll see. But, uh, definitely. We'll see. Be on the email list. You don't miss it. I am so excited. I'm so honored that you are here listening to. Thank you so much for being a listener of the podcast or for watching on YouTube. It really means so much to me and I'm so excited for what's next. I'm excited for next level you and I'm excited for us all to be showing up as our next level selves as we wrap up 2023 and kick off 2024. Like on a rocket ship. It's going to be so good. If you enjoyed this episode, would love for you to share it on Instagram stories and tag me at Hey Meg King. And I would love it if you'd leave a rating or review or subscribe on YouTube or like the video, leave a comment. Hearing back from you is so helpful for me to know what's resonating for you. And also to know what questions you have that you want my support with that you want me to answer here on the podcast. I would love to get requests like that. It'd be so fun. So I. Really hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks so much for listening, and I hope I get to see you in next level you. Bye.