Simplify with Megan

3 actions steps to becoming a Rich Mom

October 30, 2023 Meg King Episode 79

Ready to step into your Rich Mom era? Want to grow a profitable (and simple) online business using social media? Want to find your own balance of motherhood and business? Then this episode is for you!

This episode is jam packed with actionable tips - you're going to want to take notes!

00:00 - Welcome
02:22 - Action step 1
16:00 - Action step 2
19:34 - Action step 3
35:35 - Recap
36:06 - BONUS Action step 4
38:42 - Rich Mom Society
40:21 - Wrap up


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Welcome back to Mommy Knows Business, the podcast for mom entrepreneurs like you who are trying to figure out this whole mom and business thing. I get it because I'm a mom of two under the age of three. I'm an online business coach. I have been in business since my first blog in 2012. I've been coaching since 2017 and as I shared in the last podcast episode, a lot changed for me when I became a mom. I'm not going to rehash that. If you haven't heard that whole story yet, definitely go listen to the most recent podcast episode where I really talked about the two year break I took from business, how motherhood transformed me and what has shifted to allow me to enter this incredible space I'm in right now where there's momentum and confidence and more ambition and clarity and passion than ever before. But this episode is not about me. It's about you. And I really want to map out tangible action steps for you in this episode. So get ready. This is going to be an episode you want to take notes from. This is going to be one you are literally going to be able to implement and see growth in your business. So. I'm excited. What we're going to be digging into is three things that you can do right now. Like I said, we're talking actionable, tangible action steps here that are going to help you step into your rich mom era, start growing your business, start prioritizing yourself, simplifying things. It's going to be juicy. I'm going to hit the ground running and let's jump in right now. The very first thing I tell every single one of my clients to do, and I'm going to tell you here as well, because it really is foundational to solving so many of the problems you have right now as a mom doing the business thing. Because the reality is that for most moms, whether you have childcare or not, the biggest constraint we have is time. We have a lot of demands on our time. The more kids you have, I've heard the more demands there are. I only have two, so I can't speak to what that really is like once you have four or five, but from what I've heard, the more kids you have, the more pressure there is on your time, which makes sense. So. this is what we're going to solve for first is how you are going to manage your time. And I could do a whole episode on productivity tips. I could do a whole training in rich mom society about productivity and I probably will. But the number one most important biggest game changing thing you can do is making a weekly block schedule. Now hold on, don't step away. Don't pause. I know that sounds boring. I know you've probably heard about weekly schedules. You feel like they can't work for you. I get it. Hear me out. Give this just a minute and see if I can change your mind because there's really no harm in trying this because every single person I have worked with who has implemented this sees a huge shift. They can't believe how something so simple can make such a huge impact, but it does. It's foundational. That's why we're talking about it first. So when I'm talking about a weekly block schedule, this is going to look different, not only for each person, but in each season of life. So before I give you the step by step how to do this, I'm going to make sure we're on the same page about like. Why, and why this matters, because the goal isn't that we map out a weekly schedule and then we get frustrated every time things don't go according to plan. And every time we get interrupted or a kid gets sick, we get really, really frustrated and disappointed. That's not the goal here. The goal and intention behind a weekly schedule is to give you a game plan to operate off of, so that you aren't having to make a decision every minute of every day where your energy should be. So will you be able to follow the schedule perfectly every day? No, but will it solve the majority of your problems when it comes to scheduling appointments, scheduling calls, understanding how much you can commit to as an entrepreneur and a business owner and a coach? Yes, will it give you the sense of clarity on boundaries you need to hold and time you need to protect? Yes. So let's get into it. I like to do this in a Google spreadsheet because it's just the easiest for me to move things around, but it literally couldn't matter less. Do it in a Google calendar, do it on a piece of paper, do it in a spreadsheet, whatever your heart desires. But I really like to look at the entire week, all seven days. And I like to do it either in 30 minute or hourly increments. And the very first thing you need to map on there is sleep. Now, especially if you're a mom with a little kid, we all know sleep gets interrupted here. So we all know you may not get a solid eight hours here, but we need to prioritize you. A happy, healthy mom is key to all of this. You can't pour into your clients when you've got an empty cup. You can't pour into your kids when you are totally depleted. So we're going to build in what we hope for, right? So go ahead and first plug in, how much sleep do you want? When do you want to be going to sleep? When do you want to be waking up? Of course, you can shift this around as we get deeper into our plan, but I like to start there. The next thing we want to plug in is those non negotiable mom responsibilities. School drop off, school pickup. When do you have childcare? When do you not have childcare? When do you need to be in mom mode and when do you have free time? So if you don't have child care, we might be looking at nap times or evenings or weekends. We'll see where it lands. But for now, we want to plug in the sleep for you. We want to plug in that mom mode where you want to be present with your kids, present with your family. You don't want to be working. Then... I want to plug in some stuff to fill your cup. So right now you might be looking at some free time, and it may be a couple hours a week, it may be 40 hours a week, depending on your stage of life, your child care, things like that. I know for me, when I get to this point, I have about, um, what is it, 16 hours a week? And, and then we, we're going to fill it from here, so, so it doesn't matter how many hours you have or little. The whole point is we're being really intentional here. So already you should have total clarity on when you're in mom mode and being present with your family and when you are ideally not in mom mode and when you are sleeping. The fourth thing I want us to plug in here is more about you. So I know it's going to be tempting to start figuring out work stuff. I get it, but I want to plug in something here That's going to fill your cup. I find for me and most of my clients This is some type of physical movement. It could be going on a walk. It could be going to the gym and lifting weights Maybe you do a Pilates class like whatever it is. It doesn't have to be every day That's why we're looking at the whole week, but like when are these It's movement, exercises, physical stuff, like when's it happening? Or maybe for you it's not that, it's getting your nails done or getting a massage or like just being outside, whatever. Being in the hot tub. There's no rules. But I want to make sure we're putting in some like, you time. Some mom self care time in here. That's not just like, Basic daily self care needs like showering, right? Like, let's, let's like intentionally put in something that you know will make you feel better. For me, I'm usually putting movement on there. Does it happen every single day? No. But it happens more than it would if I didn't have it on there. And so you could map out movement three times a week, every day, once a week. You know you and where you're at in life. But we want to map that out. So you probably have just a couple hours left that is currently unassigned. And this is where we can start to get really clear on. business and what this is going to look like for you. So one thing that I think is key to all of this, and if you only do one more level of mapping out on your weekly schedule, this is what I want you to do. I want you to decide when you are open to being on. Camera, like on calls and when you are not, this is going to be really key for you with your clients, right? When are you on coaching calls or when are you doing sales calls? When are you doing your intensives? So I want you to map out when you are open to having calls because we don't want it to be that you have a Calendly link and all of that free time we just mapped out is totally open to calls and you end up in a situation where you have no time to work on the. Other parts of business, like creating content, like sales, launching, delivering, creating curriculum. We don't want that. So the amount of availability you have for calls is going to be very dependent on your season of life, and it's going to be very dependent on your business model. For me as a coach, mine includes some standing coaching calls. So I do a weekly hot seat with my mastermind. So that's on there. And then I usually have one other group call a week. Either it's my rich mom society call or my rich mom club call. Occasionally there will be a week with no calls, but so those are on there. And then I need to plug in usually like one to two one on one calls a week right now. That can fluctuate, but um, I like have a very clear days where I take those calls and windows where I'm open and in specific slots where I'm open for those calls. And the beauty of doing this is not only that you're going to make sure you're Protecting some time where you can't get booked on a call, but this is also how you're going to get a very real wake up call on how much time you actually have, because if you are someone who loves doing coaching calls and you realize you have like one call slot per week, then that is going to be very important for us to identify as we map out your business model, right? Because you can't have five clients that all need weekly calls if that's our model, right? You could have. A set number of clients and they each get one call per week. You could do a scalable program, so there's options here, but we need to know the constraint. So I often find that this is sometimes the hardest place to be when you're mapping out your schedule because you're like, Oh. Um, I don't have that much time and it's really easy for this to be a negative thing. And for something that can be frustrating and discouraging. You can look back at, you know, your life before you were a mom and yearn for that flexibility. I've definitely felt that before, but I really want to encourage you to reframe this as just like embracing that this is the season of life you're in. It will not be like this forever. It is like this right now. And we know that the season of life as a mom with young kids, like this is such a sweet moment. sweet, and short season of life. My sisters have kids who are like seven years old and up, and they are constantly telling me that like, ugh, like you're in the thick of it, and it's also like, it seems so hard, and it is, but it also goes by really quickly. Which I know can be kind of annoying to hear, but it is very helpful to reframe this moment of like, okay, I won't be, I'm only able to have one call a week forever, but right now I am. And so how can we leverage that? Because that type of exclusivity is like, Oh, okay. Like your time is really of the essence and we really can justify higher price points and we can strategically design your offers and your pricing to support this instead of it being something that holds you back. So at this point, just like any negative emotions that are coming up for you, just like. Acknowledge them, take a deep breath and like release them and just be like, okay, well we are going to make the best of this. We're going to do what moms do and we're going to like work with it, right? We're going to pull up our pants and be like, we got this. We're going to crush this. So however much time is left outside of your calls is going to be time I want you to absolutely protect as your creative, flexible time. So you could leave it here. If you're the type of person who wants more detail than that, you could absolutely flush out what that extra time is going to look like. So that could be like when you're in Voxer with your clients, when you're batching content, when you want to be, um, you know, deep in focus. Curriculum mode, again, depends on you and your business model and how your brain works, but you can get very, very specific. I've had seasons of life where I'm literally like every 30 minutes slot. I know exactly what my focus should be because I needed that. I needed to know I had time for these things because if you notice you're like neglecting checking on your books, then like putting that slot in your calendar does help, right? So have some self awareness here on where the amount of detail is feeling good or not good. But at the very least, at this point, before we move on to the next tip, I told you we were getting actionable. If you implement this one tip, it's going to change everything for you and we got more. So hold, hold on, hold on to your pants right here. But, um, when you're at this point in your weekly schedule, before we move on, you should have a snapshot of your week where, you know, when you're sleeping and doing things that fill your cup, when you are in mom mode and being present with your family, and you're not trying to squeeze in work. Right. We're like present with our families. Then you should have a clear understanding of when you are open to calls with your clients or prospective clients or whatever calls you need to be on for your business. And then you're going to know when your focus work is. Now, here is one last little thing I'll plug in here. You may be in a season of life where you choose to work on your business in the evenings or on the weekends. And I want you to understand that that is okay. There is a lot of talk on social media about how, you know, work two hours a week and make 100, 000. Amazing! That is totally possible for you and for many people. But it doesn't mean you have to hold yourself to some weird standard where like, the less you work, the better. Or like, working in the evenings or weekends is bad. I really want you to be taking care of yourself. So like, if you do this, you need to have a lot of self awareness in making sure you're still taking care of yourself physically, and that you're not tapping into some type of hustle or burnout energy. But I do find that when it's done intentionally and purposefully, that working in the evenings or the weekend as a mom can be really, really valuable, especially if you don't have childcare. And so if you were finding yourself at that point, you, where you really do just want to carve out some extra work time and it is in the evenings or the weekends, I encourage you to make, like, make sure that you have a clear intention for that time. And it's usually probably like some type of creation, writing emails, outlining things. Maybe you can record. I typically don't want to record audios and stuff at night, but everyone's different. So this can look like what you need it to, I would encourage you not to have it planned for every single night. I would encourage it to be like a very intentional, select, limited amount just for your own well being and stress levels. And I would encourage you to talk to your support system to carve this out if you need to. So if you need to talk to your partner, for example, about, Hey, can you do the bedtime routine? You know, every Tuesday night so that I can go to a coffee shop or go to the office or go wherever and Get some work done or maybe you're doing it after bedtime, but you just establish that expectation. Hey, I really am trying to grow my business So I just want you to know like Tuesday nights. I'm like planning on working after the kids go to bed There's something about declaring it and asking for support and just like making it a known thing that makes it So much easier and like a part of your family's rhythm So if you're at that place, there's no reason to feel bad about it Please have self awareness and how much you're doing in this way, but also definitely talk to your support system to make sure that you feel fully supported in your schedule and your intent here. So, that's the first thing you can do. This weekly schedule is how you are going to find your quote unquote balance and make sure you are prioritizing the actual priorities of your life. Your health and well being, your family's well being, and then your personal fulfillment as a mom and a business owner. And these are very real and important priorities that deserve to be protected on your calendar, that you deserve to, like, Um, have clear boundaries around, okay, that could have been a whole episode on its own, but we've got more. Let's jump into tip number two. The second thing you can do to start being a rich mom right now, and that is to make sure that your offers and your product suite add up to the revenue goal you have for your business. So if you are trying to hit 10, 000 a month, for example, and your offers are. Like, not mathematically capable of getting you there, then you really need to rework your offers. You know, if you're doing a client for like 300 bucks and you only have the capacity for five clients a month, then like, hello, we're not going to hit 10 K a month, no matter how big your Instagram is or how big your marketing efforts are or your ad budget or like whatever you're doing, you could be doing the most. And if that piece isn't properly set up, you're never going to hit that goal. This is where often you will have to raise your rates. So especially if you are doing coaching done for you services like graphic design or branding, maybe you do technical build outs of like funnels or automations, whatever you're doing, we need to do the math. How many clients we just mapped on our schedule. So we should have a very real sense of the potential client load we could take on without it breaking our schedule. So how many clients can you handle and how many do you want to handle, right? Just because you can handle 20 doesn't mean you need to handle 20. How many clients do you want to support at this high level per month? And let's just do the math backwards. If this is your only offer, how many clients do you need? Or I'm sorry, what is the rate per client that you need to hit 10 K a month? And how does that feel? If you have a second offer, you can play around with the numbers a little bit more here, right? If you have a low ticket membership and a high ticket, uh, mastermind, for example, then your low ticket, of course, could scale endlessly, right? If it's set up correctly, you could have a hundred people or two people and your workload is the same, which is what I really love to see in a lower ticket offer. And so you could have, for example, 25 members in a hundred dollar a month membership, and that's 2, 500 bucks a month. And if we raise your prices for your high ticket to be 1, 500 a month with five clients, that's 7, 500 a month. And those two things combined are 10, 000 a month. And in this example, that's monthly recurring revenue. So 10 K going forward. Which is like the dream, right? So that seems a lot more dual, right? Five private clients, 25 low ticket clients. This feels very reasonable to me. No matter where you're at in your business, this feels attainable and 1, 500 a month for one on one work. Also feels very reasonable and realistic to me. So of course these rates don't have to be what you're doing. The numbers don't have to be this. You may have more or less offers, but the key thing here is to do the math. We got to make sure your product suite is set up to not only bring in some kind of money, but to allow you to hit your goals. So I want you to take the time to do the math, to identify where you need to increase your prices, where you may want to intentionally create a new offer. Maybe you don't have a high ticket or you don't have a low ticket. How can we create a really intentional offer that serves a purpose that can allow you to bring in. More revenue, but let's do the math because I want you to be making good money and I want it to be working towards your goals. We're here to be rich moms. We got to make some money. So let's make sure we're doing this in a really smart way. The third thing you can do to really, really step into rich mom era, we've got our schedule figured out. We've got products and offers in line that can help us hit that revenue goal of 10 K month or more or whatever yours is. The third thing is to have a crazy, crazy, crazy, simple marketing. Marketing and sales strategy, because marketing and sales is where I often see the most overwhelm I've experienced in myself in the years I've been in business. It seems like marketing and sales is where there's the most possibility and you hear stories every single day of someone doing. something new or different or another platform and seeing huge success. And it can really create a lot of inner dialogue on, should I be on Tik TOK or Pinterest or YouTube or sub stack or Instagram or some other platform that doesn't exist yet? Or should I do a weekly live show or a podcast or like, Oh, then let alone the sales piece, should I have a funnel? Should I have a lead magnet? Should I have a low ticket offer? Should I have blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Crazy, right? So you're normal. I'm overwhelmed just saying that out loud. You're normal for being confused. And it's totally normal to have had shiny object syndrome in the past and jump around and not be consistent because guess what? Being consistent is hard. It's hard, it's not easy, but guess what, being a mom isn't easy and being a business owner isn't easy. And guess what, you're tough shit, you can do this. You are like, you've got this. We can do hard things, but what is really, really helpful and makes it less hard is when it's simple and we've decided what our plan is and we get to shift out of, do I do this or that mode? And we get to shift into just. Doing it, we get to shift into showing up every day, doing it, practicing, getting better, practicing consistency, practicing, showing up, even when maybe it's not the perfect conditions and we're not in the perfect mood and the perfect, you know, day isn't happening. This is where so much of the like real personal growth and development happens and the people that you look around and see have this crazy success. Even if it is in like a new platform or a new strategy, guess what? They focused all of their efforts there and they went all in and they stuck it out for long enough to see those results. So it's not like they jumped over there and a day later had success, right? So whatever you do here, the key is that you're going to decide and commit to a simple marketing and sales strategy. And I'll walk you through what I would recommend and then you're just going to start doing it and you're just going to start getting better at it and you're just going to let it be something that you've, you don't keep. Um, rethinking and changing your mind and jumping around. Okay. So when it comes to marketing and sales and doing this very simple, cause I get it. You're a busy mom. We just looked at your calendar. You don't have a lot of time. You don't have 20 hours a week of just like creating content. Right? So let's do this for you. Let's keep this super simple. Okay. Marketing and sales is often something that it's really easy to put on the back burner, but no one can pay you if they don't know you exist and they don't know how you can help them. Right? So like marketing and sales is incredibly important. And I would say if organic marketing and content creation on a social media platform is 100 percent the non negotiable you should have for your business. Every day, because this is the thing that will grow your business if you go all in and you commit and you persist and you see it through and it's so simple because you just get to pick one platform and you get to just master this one platform and when you get to a place where you have more time, more team members, more resources, or like you've gotten so good at Instagram, you can add in something else, then you can start playing with other platforms. Um, but I really, really want you to focus on one single platform to start. And once you start executing your plan consistently for this one platform, then add in another one if you want. So it's going to be tempting to have a podcast and a YouTube and Instagram. And again, if you have the time and resources, go for it. But if you don't, we're not going to try to do all those three things right now. It's just going to divide your efforts and it's going to be hard for you to be consistent. So I really recommend for my busy moms out there. Let's pick one platform. I really recommend Instagram. Trust me. I used to hate Instagram. You know, there's, it's not a perfect platform. Nothing is. I think TikTok is another great alternative right now too. Um, but to me, these are our powerhouse platforms. You can absolutely, um, benefit from long form platforms like podcasts and YouTube, but I recommend that be secondary. I recommend you first grow on a social platform like Instagram or TikTok, where it's really easy to get in front of new people. Build a community and make a sale within the same platform. There's no other platform that does it like these. And if you go all in and you focus and you get better, like. They can be really enjoyable too. It can be fun to create content once you start to get in the swing of it and get momentum and start to feel better about it. Right? So when it comes to your simple marketing strategy, I'm going to make a suggestion for you. That's going to allow you to literally have an action plan right now. Of course, you can choose a different platform and you can choose a different strategy, but this is what I would tell someone who is coming to me asking for a strategy. So do with it what. You will, I would recommend Instagram. Like I said, it's one of the only platforms where you can literally post evergreen, high value content, where you can post behind the scenes, where you can build a really good, genuine relationship with people where you can, um, get in front of new people. If you're creating content that's shared, you can really get seen in front of a new audience and you can sell in the DMs. And that's like. Amazing. How great to have this one platform be where you get to do all of this. And yeah, I'm sure you've heard people say, it's rented land, blah, blah, blah. Okay, well, we don't need to worry about that right now. It's okay to rent. You rented an apartment for a while before you bought a house, right? So like, I don't fucking care that it's rented land. We're going to rent land first. And then once we've got some extra cash, sure, we'll do these other things. But like, rent your little heart out, okay? Anyways. Okay. So let's talk about the strategy would tell you to do. I'm going to assume you're doing Instagram for this strategy. Number one, you're going to update your Instagram bio to be incredibly specific. I want it to be exactly what you do and for who you do it. I don't want it to be like super vague. I don't want there to be jargon. I want it to be very direct. I help busy moms grow their business while they grow their families done. I help. I help online coaches build out their ConvertKit funnels. I help restaurants have a website that gets them more reservations. I don't know. Whatever it is. Um, but like, I want your dream client to see your bio and be like, Oh. That's exactly what I need. That's who I am. So we want to be very simple, no jargon, ultra direct to who you help and how you help them. Then I want you to start posting on your Instagram feed. Eventually I want it to be daily. This is a very, like, that's a big ask, right? If you're going from zero to like daily, that's tough to do. And I get it. I am never, I'm like not able to do zero to daily, but I think it's completely reasonable to go from zero to twice a week, to three times a week, to five times a week, to then seven times a week. I think it's. It's completely fine to ramp up to daily, but if we're talking my end game strategy recommendation for you, if you want to have a business that is super simple where you're making sales, you're growing a community, things are just flowing. You're creating organic content like posting daily on Instagram is the best thing you can do. You're going to see faster results faster. If you're posting daily, you're gonna be putting in the reps, so you're gonna get better at creating content because you'd be showing up more. So like anything else, if you do it daily, you get better at it faster, you see results faster. So this is where I want you to be going eventually, even if you have to slowly ramp up to get there. But I want you to end game post on Instagram daily. Then I want you to also post on Instagram stories daily. I think this you could do immediately. You can go from zero to daily with Instagram stories. You don't have to post 10 stories a day, but I want there to be like three stories a day. And this is a great place for you to really work. Walk your talk to embody your work. You don't have to like vlog on Instagram stories if you don't want to, but how can you show your face? How can you, um, let people see like behind the scenes of how you're doing things. And if you are a coach or a service provider, how can you give them behind the scenes of you working with clients, showing you doing the work, showing you on the call, sharing a client win. If you are a mindset coach and you talk a lot about meditation, then you should be showing yourself meditating every single day. You know, how can you embody and live out your values and your brand promise through Instagram stories? This is we're going to build a ton of no like and trust is we're going to really build some relationship building with your community and it's going to be huge. So daily Instagram posts, daily Instagram stories is where we want to go. Then I want you to have an Instagram story highlight. For every offer. So I want someone to come to your profile and they see a story highlight for each of your offers. You can see this on mine. If you open it right now, you'll see there's one for the original society, one for the club, one for the mastermind, one for Voxer coaching, one for private mentorship. And so I want you to have that because then your Instagram account becomes a website literally, right? They come up here. Oh, they can click a link to pay with you. They can send you a DM. They can see your services. They can learn from you. So this is what I'm talking about when I'm saying simple, yes, these are to do items, but they are simple to do and they have a really big impact in the long game. So when you have a story highlight for each offer and keep this story highlight up to date. So if you change your prices, change what's in the story highlight. If you get rid of an offer, remove it from your story highlight, right? So like let it be an accurate reflection of how people can work with you right now. The next thing I want you to do is the link you have in your profile, like the first one that's visible. Ideally this should be either a link to what you are actively promoting. So if you're launching something new, that should be the link. But if you have a low ticket offer that you just are always enrolling in, like for me, rich mom society is that, then that should be your link. Unless you're doing an active promotion, you put something else there, but I want the main link to be. The easiest way for someone to start paying you where they don't have to interact with you at all to make the payment. Then I want you to start selling every single day on Instagram and particularly Instagram stories. Sometimes this is going to be a hard sell. You're going to be literally doing like a direct call to action. You're going to be having slides for like, this is who it's for. This is what's included. This is the price click here to join. Right? So that's like a hard sell. There's going to be other times where it's like. you know, DM me. So maybe you are sharing the behind the scenes of you doing a client call. You talk about like what you did on the client call. And then it's like, I have one more spot open for private coaching. If you're interested, send me a DM. Right. Boom. That is selling. It's just like really organic and natural. Right. You can also do this by sharing client testimonial, which is indirect selling, right? Sharing and highlighting client testimonials and client case studies, even if there's not a direct call to action is selling even you embodying your work on Instagram stories and talking about the benefits of meditating every day, for example. And then you have like a meditation course, like you showing that is selling and sometimes you do hard selling. I'd love for you to do a hard sell every single day, but I know that's going to freak most of you out. I need to do a separate episode on that, but you should sell in some way every single day because no one will know they can pay you if you don't tell them. that they can and how you can help them because no one's going to really seek that out, right? Unless like they just love your content But the average person is not going to be like how can I pay this person? They're going to need to know what offers are even available for them So do it every single day And as I wrap up this Instagram one, I hear a lot and I get asked a lot, how much is too much to give away? I'm a big believer in reciprocity. And like the more you give generously without holding back, the more it's going to benefit you in the long run. When people can implement your free content, like this podcast, which absolutely could be a paid product, by the way, then they will not only see actual success and wins from your free content, but that is in turn going to make them trust you to actually work with you to go to the next step. So don't hold back. You don't need to worry about it. The truth is that even this podcast episode is not as in depth and step by step with templates and resources as I go in Rich Mom Society. You know what I mean? Like there is such a huge difference. There's no live Q& A here. That's in Rich Mom Society. There's no community here. And if you're like, even if you're selling courses and info products, it's different. This is a podcast where I'm talking to you or an Instagram post where I'm sharing short and sweet, actionable things. It's it's, it's not going to like prevent people from paying you. If you give away really good stuff for free, they're just going to want to pay you more. So don't worry about it. giving away too much. Okay. Um, when it comes to the sales side, cause I know I mentioned marketing and sales. I want to, I want to clarify one thing here too, before we move on to a bonus tip that I have for you, which is that when you are all in on a platform like Instagram and you're selling like this, I really want you to sell as much as you can in the DMs. If someone stumbles across your website and stumbles across a services page and then fills out a form, that's fine. I don't care. But what I don't want you to do is push people from your DMs. To a form, to a sales call, to a proposal. Like, you could do all of that in the DMs. Because the reality is that any form you may have, I don't care what it's for, ultimately there's probably one or two things that you actually need to know to know if they're a good fit or not. Just fucking ask it in the DMs. Like, literally just ask it. And then you'll get the answer you need right there. And then you can tell them if they're a good fit or not. So like, how can we simplify this? Right? Like, how can, even if you send them to a forum, that's fine, but like, I, you know, I don't recommend it. That's not what I do. Do it on the DMs if you can. When you know they're a good fit, tell them about the program and say, does that sound good to you? And then they say, yes. And then you're like, great. Here's the pricing. Which link do you want? I want the painful. Here's the links. Send me a DM when you join. I joined. The end. Like, wow. So much easier than like this 10 step process. We could have taken someone through because who wants to go get on a call? We're all busy. You're a busy mom. You probably don't want these calls on your calendar either. So. Make it easy. Yes, you can have that, that type of application funnel on the backend for people who stumble across it passively. That's fine. But the people you are engaging with and growing a community with on Instagram, like don't send them through those hoops. There's no need. Okay. Bonus tip here, the bonus step, step number four, if you didn't know what's coming that you can do to really step into your rich mom era, we've, we've done the math on your offer suite. We've got your weekly schedule in place, so you know your bandwidth and your availability and how you're going to do all this and you're feeling great. We've got a really clear action step and plan for Instagram, or maybe you came up with your own for another platform, but we know what we're doing. Like, hello, this is a business plan. You're welcome. Rich mom business plan for free right here. The fourth thing that can take all of this to the next level is mentorship and community. I say this from firsthand experience. You can do this without mentorship and community, but let me tell you. It is not only so much easier and so much faster when you are in mentorship and community relationships, it is more fun because you aren't alone. I can't tell you what a world of a difference it means when you are in the room with people who are normalizing making big money. When you're in a space with someone who's not just making 10 K a month or making 10 K a day. That instantly opens you up to view that as possible for you. And it helps you make bigger moves. It helps you see things that you didn't even know were on the table for you. When you're in a community like this, you get to see how other people do things and learn from their experiences and share what's working for you and what's not. And it truly becomes this really supportive community. Um, that is not only helping each other with business, but like helping each other as people and especially as moms, it's, it's so hard to be in a community, um, when there's no moms and you're like, you don't get it. I'm not getting any sleep or like, you don't get it. I only have an hour during nap time and I can't go do a three hour morning routine. Right. So like being in community with people who are like you, who are like me. Minded who are on the same path as you make such a big difference. It makes it more fun. It makes things way easier and it makes things more possible for you faster than you would have ever known. Um, and same thing when you are in the right mentorship relationship, you can literally break through resistant points. So lightning fast, it is unreal. I have been stuck and talk to a mentor for 10 minutes or less and just been instantly activated. I had total clarity. All the things that were holding me back or behind me now, and I'm ready to go. If I hadn't had that conversation with a mentor, I would have dwelled in that space for. days for potentially weeks, because I would have just been trying to deal with it alone. But instead I was able to have the conversation, have things reflected back to me, see a new point of view, get some strategic help and, and move on. It's so much faster. And I bring this up because I benefit so much from the mentorship and the communities that I am in. I've always been a big believer in mentorship. I mean, I'm, I'm a mentor and a coach for literally a reason, right? Like. And I love doing it, but I also think I've seen firsthand the impact it can make on how enjoyable life is and how fun business is and how successful I can be in business. And that's exactly why I'm opening the doors to Rich Mom Society, because I really needed a community of mom entrepreneurs who got it. I really needed a space where the strategy was through the lens of being a mom. And they got, they got it. I didn't have that. I'm making it now, I'm creating the village I wanted so that you have it so that we have it together. So rich mom society is a monthly membership where you can come in and be in the rich mom community with other mom entrepreneurs on the same path as you on the same trajectory who've been through it, who get it, who can support you in this. And it's also where you can get monthly training from me. That is very deep and actionable with templates and resources. Sometimes there's challenges, like there's going to be some really cool things happening every month. There's a new training, a new focus, and there's a monthly live Q and a call with me on zoom every month. And there's so much more. You should go to Hey, Meg, king. com forward slash rich mom to learn more about rich mom society. If you join, when we are launching here on Halloween, October 31st, then you will get to be one of our founding members. There is a very, very special limited spot bonus so learn more about that on that page. But if you're one of our founding members who join, um, by November 7th. Then you will also get to lock in our very, very special founding member rate. And you get to lock that in for as long as you are a member in the program. And I am just so excited for this space to finally exist. I'm excited for you to be able to step into your rich mom era, whether you join the society now or not, you are invited to join, even if you're listening to this later down, down the line, but I hope that this episode. It allowed you to walk away with as many action steps as I hoped for you and in a way that is very, very simple because I genuinely believe you can do this. You can be a mom and a business owner. You can make money that changes your life and your family's life and you can do it while being a very present and happy mom and a fulfilled person and like this is possible for you. I want you to take what we talked about today and I want you to implement it. I want you to keep things incredibly simple. I want you to make decisions and stay focused and shift into executing that plan and see where it takes you because I know you are going to grow such an incredible business and such an incredible family while you're doing it and that you're going to be such a model for your children for what is possible and how they can expect to be as adults and what's possible for them and how they should treat themselves in. So many wonderful things like that. So I'm over here cheering you on. If you liked this episode, please leave it a rating and review, share it on Instagram stories and tag me at Hey Meg King. And if you want to join rich mom society, and especially if you want to be one of those founding members, don't wait, go to HeyMegKing. com forward slash rich mom. The link will be in the show notes as well. And I hope to get to see you in rich mom society. Either way, I'll see you in the next episode. Bye.

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