Simplify with Megan

090: Does low engagement mean low sales?

July 02, 2024 Megan Minns King Episode 90

Frustrated with low engagement on your Instagram posts? Thinking that low likes means you're destined for low sales? Think again...

It's SO easy to get caught up in the vanity metrics on social media, but the truth is that your dreamy high-ticket clients may NOT like what you're posting - and that's okay!

In this week's podcast episode, I'm explaining why low engagement may not mean low sales.

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Hey, welcome back to the podcast. In this episode, we're talking about Instagram, vanity metrics, engagement, and this whole concept, because you see on threads or on social media a lot, this dialogue that Instagram is dead. Everyone hates Instagram. Everyone's leaving Instagram. And over the past couple of years, I've totally been one of those people who has said that before I've been like, Instagram's the worst. I hate it. Blah, blah, blah. Um, and I'm even very transparent with my clients that like, do I think Instagram is a perfect platform? No. Do I love everything about it? No. Do I still recommend it? Yes. So let's just dig into a little bit because there's kind of two sides of this conversation I really want to speak to. And, um, I think they're both related and important. And I think a lot of the reason why people continue to think Instagram isn't worth their time or that they get frustrated with Instagram is because of the focus on vanity metrics and engagement metrics. And I get this, I totally get that it is frustrating to spend time creating content and you push it out and get three likes and no comments. And you're like, what was the point? And when you do that enough, that can become extremely discouraging and you can be like, this isn't working. Why am I wasting my time here? Now, am I saying everyone has to go on Instagram and like ignore all metrics? No. But one thing I have learned in my years of being on Instagram is that the engagement you get on Instagram does not actually correlate to business growth. And sales and client acquisition. And I know that may be counterintuitive to what you think when it's like, well, I'm supposed to track these metrics and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Like if you get a post that does have great engagement, like obviously there's some incredible things we can take away from that. But if you are a coach in particular, or you do high ticket coaching programs or masterminds or things like that, high ticket clients very rarely. Engage unless they already love you. And like, you're already their coach. Like, I feel like the people who engage in my stuff, like either are already a client, um, or like we've worked together in the past new people who come who are like, Hey, I want to join rich coach club or like, Hey, I want to hear more about one on one have never liked a post of mine. At least recently have never replied to a DM of mine or I'm sorry, not a DM. Um, Replied to a Instagram story. Like, it's very funny, but like a lot of high ticket clients are lurkers. And they're just lurking and they're consuming. And a lot of the time they're going to move kind of quickly. This is not for everyone. This is not in every industry, but a lot of the time it's, it's pretty funny that like a high ticket client, who's going to pay you the law, you know, The most amount of money of your product suite will, will discover you bend your content and DM you, and then pay you within a shockingly short cycle. And it's funny because what that means is that the content you've been creating historically is doing its job. There just might be a bit of a lag indicator, a piece of content you put out two months ago could be what gets you a high ticket client. I have had people who reach out to me who are extremely successful, very popular, have huge followings, have very successful businesses who want to add in private coaching, who aren't, who literally discovered me from a reel that had very low, low engagement metrics from weeks ago that in my mind, I could have considered that a flop, but. Yay, social media, the right person saw it weeks later and was like, Oh yes, DMs me books a high ticket intensive with me. We have an incredible intensive. Now we have an established relationship. And she's a part of my network. Like, it's very funny how that works. My one on one clients, all of my one on one clients from the past year, very similar. Maybe they were following me or in my world, but they weren't the ones commenting. They weren't the ones voting on polls. They weren't the ones necessarily. I'm going to talk a little bit about how you can make sure that your content is not lagging and that you're not getting a ton of engagement from people who are listening to your content. And so this is something that I think is really important to realize, especially for those of you listening, who are coaches, just because you're not getting a ton of engagement does not mean that your content isn't working. There may be a lag and it may just take a couple of pieces of content, the right content for someone to resonate and want to work with you. It is. It's one of those things that if you give up because of the vanity metrics, then you'll never get to find out because if you suddenly ghost Instagram and that's where they saw you, they're going to be like, Oh, this person's not even like around anymore. You know what I mean? So when it comes to Instagram and this frustration around engagement, it's actually a very well known thing. Um, That your best sales content will be your worst engagement content. Does that make sense? Like the content you put out, that's going to lead to sales. We'll probably have the worst metrics. That doesn't mean that's all you put out. You also do other types of content to share personal stories and to grow connection and to do all these other things that I teach in my program, get visible. But the thing is, it all has a different purpose. It all builds and accumulates upon itself. And that vanity metrics don't matter. And if you get hung up on vanity metrics on Instagram or honestly, any platform, you're never going to get to the place you want to go because you're going to constantly be getting frustrated. You're going to expect short term fast dopamine hit results. And that's not really what you need. Again, especially if we're talking about coaching. Yes. Volume's great. Quantity's great. Growing a big community is amazing. That's all wonderful. Engagement's great, but you don't have to have high engagement metrics to have a very successful business. You don't have to have a big audience to have a successful coaching business. So I don't want your motivation, your consistency, your strategy in growing your business and growing a community and attracting And closing your dream clients to be dependent upon an external factor like vanity metrics. Because like I said, most likely your dream clients are busy people who are lurking, who will take action the moment they're ready. And you may not ever hear from them until then they just, maybe they're lurking and then boom, they're in. Your mindset as a creator, as a coach, as a business owner needs to be going beyond the instant gratification and the external validation that we innately want from social media, right? Social media, Instagram, all these platforms are designed to make you addicted to the dopamine. When you post something and you get a flood of engagement, it's extremely, Validating and exciting. And it makes you want to keep showing up. And then when you don't get it, it feels like something is wrong, right? That is just something we have to really shift in today's day and age in particular, gone are the days where you post and you get hundreds of likes, no matter what, but that doesn't mean anything. My business is more profitable now. Even though my posts get dramatically less engagement than years ago, when they were getting a ton of engagement very easily. The platforms just changed how people behave online has changed, but it doesn't necessarily mean your business success will change. So I want you to get really good at the resiliency of showing up of sticking to a plan. Yes. Take the data you can get access to, to improve. You know, like you can take a piece of content that does better and glean from that and learn from that and implement on it. You can test out different types of content and see where your audience is responding and what is working. Right. So I'm not saying ignore all data, but I'm saying release yourself from being like dependent on data and dependent on this idea that engagement equals. Success, because it does not. And if you allow your business to be dependent on how you show up for your business, to be dependent on external validation, that's really going to screw you up across the board because business isn't the easiest thing in the world. It takes a lot of bravery. It takes a lot of courage and resilience. And that's amazing. That's why people who show up and do business are so badass. Like you are incredible. You are. So incredible for showing up and when you are showing up and you're getting low engagement, it is arguably the hardest Season and I'm so proud of you because the people who persist through that Those are the people who are going to be successful. The people you look up to who are having six, seven figure businesses, who you love the way they show up. Oh, you can't believe how they show up. It's so incredible. It's so inspiring. You want to show up that way. They didn't give up based on the external validation. They're only where they are now because they kept going. They kept testing. They kept refining. They kept showing up anyways. They never let a quote unquote flop piece of content mean the end. Of content for them or let them switch platforms. The people on Instagram right now who are crushing it have been showing up consistently for a while. And I, you know how I feel about consistency. I'm not saying every day or nothing, but like reliably you're there, you're present, you're active. So whether it's Instagram or Tik TOK or YouTube or whatever platform you're choosing to focus your energy on, it's kind of one of those things that the fastest path to success is choosing closing the door on the decision, shifting into execution mode. And just refining and building that resilience of just showing up no matter what, letting yourself put out content and it quote unquote flop and not caring and continuing to move on. And you'll probably find like I have a piece of content. You may initially be like, well, that was a flop might be the piece of content that leads you to high ticket dream clients weeks or months later. You just never know. The key is you just keep going. You just keep doing it. You post it and you move on to the next post. I say all of this from a place of love too. Totally struggled with this in the past. Do I love that some of my posts get really low engagement? Of course not. Would I love for them all to get hundreds and thousands of likes? Of course I would. So this is absolutely something that I'm not sitting here on my high horse being like, how dare you get caught up in engagement metrics. But it is from a place of like genuine experience that the engagement doesn't actually. Matter. It's great. It's a great indicator. We want to strive to improve it. But the engagement itself is not our success metric as much as Instagram wants you to think it is. It really doesn't matter. I've found that even in today's day and age where there's so much frustration with the algorithm, it's difficult to It's doing a pretty good job of showing you to the right people. It's kind of one of those quality versus quantity things where like, if you are seeing less exposure, less engagement, I have kind of found that the people it is showing to are the right people, which is great. I'd much prefer my content getting pushed out to a smaller amount of people who are the right people than getting pushed out to a million people who are all the wrong people. It's not going to serve you well to have a huge following if they're all like the wrong type of person. You know what I mean? If none of them are a good fit, it's not going to do you any, any good. To have a huge community. It's much better to let things grow slowly and organically and have it be a good community of the right people. So hopefully this little pep talk helps you wherever you're at, whether it's Instagram or just any platform. And you're kind of dealing with that cycle of vanity metrics and engagement and feeling discouragement. I just want to encourage you to just keep going. Yes. Refine, tweak, Learn what you can, but also really understand and detach yourself that the external validation does not reflect the sales. And the success of your business and the long game that you're playing. And if you want help with either showing up bold and making that disconnect from the external validation, or you want more help with like in depth content strategy on which platforms to be choosing and what type of content to actually be creating and how to know how to create content that's going to attract your dream clients. I have two programs, um, that you would love. One of them is called unapologetic. Right now for a limited time, you can get that for only 22. It is two trainings right now that are just going to like, give you the absolute biggest pep talk in the entire world. Mindset. Refresh reset game changer. That's going to help you show up bigger, bolder with more confidence, totally grounded, disconnected from external validation. It's a game changer. It's an incredible place to start. If you want more of the strategy as well, then you would love get visible, which again, for a limited time right now, you can actually get for 50 percent off. Both of those special links with the coupons are in the show notes. If those are still active coupons. They will automatically apply, unapologetic is included in get visible. So if you get visible, but get visible is absolutely where it go deeper into the actual strategy of speaking to your dream clients. platforms, real content strategy, not just frequency, like what to say to attract and build know, like, and trust. So definitely check the links for those. If you want help getting out of any kind of rut you're in, or you want to just start creating content in a way that is really grounded and powerful and authentic and bold and helps attract your dream clients without needing a huge audience or a huge, uh, community. And just being able to show up authentically and let that work and let that be what gets you new clients, then you would love those programs. So I hope I get to see you inside of unapologetic or get visible, check the links in the show notes. And I just want you to know, I'm so proud of you. Like I said earlier, Showing up on the internet is hard. It takes bravery. It takes courage. It takes courage to keep showing up and I'm just so proud of you. So so proud of you wherever you're at in your journey of creating content. I'm proud of you and I'm here cheering you on. If you decide to join unapologetic or get visible, send me a DM on Instagram at simplify with Megan. Let me celebrate with you. Let me cheer you on as you start showing up visibly and unapologetically and I can't wait to see you in the next episode. Thanks. Bye.

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