Simplify with Megan

091: The Mindset Shift That Will Change Everything for You

July 21, 2024 Megan Minns King Episode 91

This episode is going to change everything for you. Get ready for a love and shove that is going to help you go from playing small to playing bigger than ever before. 

Unapologetic (Only $22):
Next Level You: 

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Hey, welcome back to this episode of the podcast. And this is the episode to listen to if you need a kick in the ass, because I'm going to be loving and shoving you in the best, most supportive, most helpful way that I possibly can. You were going to be walking away from this episode feeling activated and ready to go and to move on from whatever bullshit's been holding you back. And this is going to be a good one. This may be an episode you come back to. Anytime you need a kick in the ass, and clearly this episode needs to be marked explicit. But I felt like this episode was necessary because this is a conversation I've had to have with myself, but I've also had to have it with some clients lately, and I think in general, in today's day and age, it's really easy to get caught up in thinking that everyone is having overnight success. Someone posted TikTok and they just blow up. Someone's a brand new coach and they're having a 50k month, right? Like It's easy to just feel like you shouldn't have to work this hard to be successful. Being successful should be easier. Have you ever felt that way? Maybe you haven't put those words to it, but you're kind of like, why is it easy for everyone else and it's hard for me? Why is everyone else having these 20K, 50K launches and I'm not? What am I doing wrong? What's wrong with me? Shouldn't this be working? And going down that whole thought process or the thought process of like, I don't want to do that. That's too hard. Or that's too scary. Or I'm not ready for that. And here's the deal. No, you signed up for this. No one made you start a business. No one made you do this. You have signed up to be a business owner. And guess what? Running a business, creating content online, working with clients, it's hard work. It's incredible work. It's valuable. It doesn't mean it has to take over your life and be life, you know, consuming and terrible. It can be incredible. It's incredible. It can be easy. It can be simple. It can be all of those things, but you have to take the personal responsibility that you fucking signed up for this. This is a choice you made. So stop acting like there's this privilege that you shouldn't have. Have to work hard to have the success you want. You signed up for this. You have opted in for the challenge and the personal growth and the incredible journey and fulfillment that comes from having your own business. But you signed up for this, babe. No one is making you be here. If you're going to sit there and be a victim about everything it takes to grow a business, you might as well step on back and that's fine. And sometimes it's a temporary choice. I have absolutely stepped back from business and worked for other people. And it's been so amazing. And then there have been seasons where I'm ready to go. So remember, you signed up for this. So you sitting there playing small, being afraid, not taking action, getting frustrated, comparing yourself to other people, none of that is serving you. It is 100 percent sabotaging. You and your goals and why you're here because I know that you signed up to do this. You decided to start a business because you are, I truly believe this because you are truly meant to serve people. You signed up for this for a reason. I believe your purpose is related to this. Your purpose is meant to be here and to help other people in some way, shape or form. I don't think you would have started, I don't think you'd be here at this point in the process if you weren't meant to be doing this, but you've got to pull your big girl panties up and you've got to like get for real that like you can also choose not to do this. And that that can be totally fine. And I'm saying it with zero judgment. And it can also be a thing that's like a temporary choice and you can always change your mind and you can always come back to it later. But if you're going to stay here, if you're going to do this, let's fucking go. Let's do it. Let's be bold. Let's create content. Let's have the audacity. Let's make offers and pitch things and create content and experiment and work with people and help them and see what's working and lean into that and learn about ourselves and learn about marketing and learn about selling and learn about coaching and like learn about it and be curious and be an experimenter and let it be fun. Ride the highs when they're there. Learn how to keep going when the lows happen, learn how to be a bad ass, resilient, persistent, audacious person, because it's, it's audacious to have an online business in the best way. It takes bravery. It takes bold action. It takes resilience. It takes commitment. It takes you showing up when it's hard. Because it's not going to just be easy. You're not going to come out of the blue with a brand, a zero, you know, zero people following you, zero people on your email list, a brand new industry, a brand new business, put out one piece of content and suddenly be booked out. It's not how it works. The people you look at who get booked out, who are charging high ticket, who you look up to and admire and want to have a business very similar to, or that you want to be your mentor or are your mentors, they were not overnight successes. They have been doing this for a long time. Even if their story is that they did it in a short amount of time, they have been showing up at a hundred percent that time. I've been in business for 10 years. There are people who have been in business for 10 months who've made more money than me, probably. That's fine. My priority has looked different. I've been through seasons of life. I've allowed this to be a journey and I love that journey for me. And I love that journey for that person who hasn't in 10 months, because guess what? I didn't have this audacity. I spent a long time in business, not having audacity. So I'm saying this from a place of so much love and a big old hug, because I have totally played small before I have absolutely played the victim before. And I really think once I became a mom and I came back to business is when it really hit me, I fucking signed up for this. Let's go. It doesn't mean you're going to make the right choice every time. It doesn't mean you won't make mistakes. It doesn't mean every single thing you do will work. It doesn't mean things won't flop. You can absolutely be taking the right steps on your journey and have a piece of content flop and have an offer that no one buys. The difference between you and the person you want to be is you're, you've got to keep going. You're never going to be the person you want to be and have the business you want to have and have the impact you want to have and make the money you want to make if you give up. If you play small. If you let one piece of content that flops or one launch that flops or one offer that flops mean the end. Let's go. The Best time in the world for you to start showing up big and bold and audaciously is now. Who cares about the past? I don't care if you've been trying to have a business for 10 days or 10 years. Let it fucking go. Let the past go. Let every business attempt in the past go. Let every perceived mistake go. Let every time you tried and stopped and started and tried and stopped and started, let it go. Who cares? It doesn't matter. Had to happen to get you to where you are now, but now we move on with a clean slate. You accept everything that's led you here. You forgive yourself for anything that you haven't forgiven yourself for. And if you are, if any of that's resonating with you right now, literally say out loud, I forgive myself. I love myself. I accept myself. I accept every single choice and action and decision I have made up until now. And I am committed to now showing up bigger and bolder with audacity because there's no reason not to playing small. We'll never help you get where you want to go. It's doing you a disservice. It's doing your life purpose a disservice, and it's doing the people you are meant to have an impact on a huge disservice. this. Stop playing small. You signed up for this. Let that be a bad ass reminder. Let it be empowering to be like, yeah, I, I did fucking sign up for this. And you know what? Like we're going to fucking go and we're going to do what it takes. And sometimes that's going to feel hard. Sometimes it's going to feel easy. Sometimes there's going to be so much momentum. It's all happening. And sometimes there's going to be no momentum. It's just And you have to create the momentum by taking action. Momentum does not happen on its own. You will not create waves in the ocean if you, if you just stand still. You've got to start kicking. You've got to start moving the water. You've got to start doing things. It starts with you. You create the action. The momentum comes later, but let's do it. And I'm here cheering you on in whatever capacity that means. But that just means you're listening to the podcast. Hell yeah, if you're hanging out with me on Instagram, even better. If you're in one of my programs, if you're one of my clients, I'm going to give you this pep talk anytime you need it and we're going to have this conversation as many times as you need it. And you're going to be in the room with other people who are, who are all in like this. And that is powerful. That is huge. So let's go. It's time. You're ready. You're listening to this. You're ready. You're ready to do whatever is next. Show up bigger. Show up bolder. Start the thing. Launch the offer. Go hardcore. Even if you're working a couple hours a week. It doesn't mean you have to hustle. But it means we're not playing the victim role. We're not playing small. It means we're all in. So let's do it. If you are interested in getting more support with this, I have a couple of different ways that we can work together. One of those is through my program Unapologetic. It's a quick hit Mindset pep talk. There's a couple of trainings in there that are really going to take this to the next level for you where if you feel like you are struggling with playing small and you just need someone to like Really lay it lay it for you You want unapologetic? It will help you Really understand how to show up unapologetically how to show up big and bold. So if you want more of this kind of stuff Go check out unapologetic If you are ready for Unapologetic More than that, if you are ready for deeper mindset work, if you are ready to really shift into the next level version of yourself, if you're like, yes, I'm unapologetic now I'm ready to be like, what am I, where are we going? What's the vision? How am I getting there? Who do I need to be on a daily basis? If you need that level of support, you would love next level. You. Which is one of my other programs that's going to guide you through understanding the vision you have for your life. Really uncovering you 2. 0, who you are meant to be, how you should be showing up on a daily basis, what you need to do in order to show up on a daily basis. There's guided affirmations and there's a ton of, uh, guided activations that help you overcome major things like perfectionism, overthinking, overwhelm, stuff like that. So next level you is an incredible program. That's deeper mindset work, deeper vision work. Unapologetic is great for the like, let's fucking go. Next level. You is like, I'm all in. I know I'm ready to make an identity shift. And if you want deeper support law, like you want personalized mentorship, you want to be a part of a community of other badasses out there who are all in creating this momentum together. Doing it simply, doing it imperfectly, but showing up, going all in, then you would love to be a part of one of my coaching programs or work with me privately. So the links to all of that and information is below in the show notes. You will see whatever offers are currently available, the links to those, um, but I would love to work with you in one capacity or another, and I'd love to cheer you on. So whether you join a program or not. So let me know if you like this episode, send me a DM on Instagram at simplify with Megan or share this on social media and be sure to tag me, leave a rating and a review and just know that I am here as your biggest fan and I can't wait to see you start playing big. I can't wait to see you go all in and I am just here to cheer you on. So I will see you in the next episode. Bye.

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