Simplify with Megan

092: To pivot or not to pivot?

July 29, 2024 Megan Minns King Episode 92

Listen to this episode to decide if now is the right time for you to make a pivot - or if you should hold off. And how to move forward with confidence either way.

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Welcome back to this episode of the podcast. We are talking all about pivoting. When to pivot. Should you pivot? Let's dig into this. For those of you who don't know, I have pivoted a lot in my 10 years of being in business. I have pivoted on The big scale of like what your entire business model is and what you do and how you help people. I've also pivoted in very minor ways and, I'm an expert at helping people pivot and make change in a way that is really, uh, intentional and not willy nilly, but also not something you drag out unnecessarily. So let's, let's dig into this. If you're listening to this, maybe you're in that spot where you're like debating, making some kind of small or large pivot or change in your business. And there are absolutely very valid reasons to either pivot slowly or not at all, or to pivot very quickly. So I have pivoted from like, I started my business as a graphic designer and an Etsy shop owner. And then, you know, six months later I was a fully booked out virtual assistant who specialized in tech. I have pivoted from, I specialize in helping entrepreneurs grow a full time team to. I am a business coach who helps other coaches build a successful six and seven figure business working 15 hours a week or less. Or like, you know, whatever. I've also pivoted from like this program is called rich mom club to this program is called Rich coach club. I've pivoted from like a strategic level on folks on YouTube and folks on the podcast, right? Like pivoting can look like whatever you want. I think most of us are viewing pivoting as larger shifts, either in your business model, who you help, how you help them, the industry, things like that. And I absolutely think nine 10, when I'm talking to someone, when they are debating, making a change of some kind, there are usually extremely valid reasons for that. And the best thing you can do is get, get support and coming up with a game plan for doing it, fleshing out the details, making sure it's coming from a good place. Because the main reason you would want to not pivot is if it's purely coming from an external validation or external feedback. The times where I usually end up telling someone not to pivot or the direction they're thinking they need to pivot is, is off base is when it's. It's only coming because of someone else saying something. It's not actually coming from inside. When you should pivot is when it's internal alignment. Internal excitement and momentum and clarity and aha moments and soul purposes. I'm all in. When you are suddenly derailed because you got a negative, uh, piece of feedback from a client. Or an email from a stranger or a troll comment, like, or you had flopped launch, right? Those are when I'm usually like, hold on, we need to dig in. So if you're sitting there saying, should you pivot? Should you not? The first thing you need to do is kind of check in on the source here. Like what has, What has gotten you to this place? Is it an external factor or internal? Because if it's external, you want to be really, really thoughtful on it. If it's internal nine times out of 10, I'm like full steam ahead. External. We got to be very, very careful. Okay. Again, doesn't mean you're not going to do it, but we want to think through it. So I really want you to sit here and assess the circumstances. What has led you here? Is it, Oh, well, someone else is doing it this way and that works for them. So I should do it. Is it, Oh, I did this launch and no one bought, and that means this whole direction isn't going to work and I should quit and give up and focus on my other thing? Is it, Oh, I got this email from someone saying I'm annoying, so I shouldn't be doing this anymore? Do we see how those maybe are bigger red flags? That we want to dig into. Whereas if you're coming to me and you're like, I really feel called to specialize in helping moms recover from postpartum. I feel so excited, you know, I've really realized that my zone of genius is actually helping entrepreneurs set up air table to run their group programs. I've seen that that's a differentiator and I'm excited about that and that feels so in alignment with my strengths and I do that like in my sleep, right? Very very different motivators here. So that's going to be your number one thing to check in on first. Where is this all coming from? And sometimes you need to have a conversation to fully flush that out. That's a conversation with a mentor, a conversation with a friend, on a mastermind call, like whatever you, you got. Sometimes you need to actually say these words out loud to actually reveal the source. Because we might not realize it's external till we start talking it through. So if you're going to pivot, I want you to really think through that. What has led you here? What is making you want to pivot? What has caused you to be evaluating this and where does that go from there? How do you feel about it? If you realize that it is because a launch flopped, so now you're questioning this whole business altogether. And maybe you want to quit your business. How do we feel about that? That's again, mentorship. Personalized support can be so valuable or just like business conversations with business besties. Right? So I can't sit here and say if it's external, it's a no, you could, it could have been caused by an external source and it could be extremely valid, but I don't want you to jump to an automatic pivot without really thinking it through first. I also want you to think through the circumstances here. Are there special circumstances impacting you and your decision making and your capacity right now? Very personal example for me is pregnancy. Every time I get pregnant, um, everything in my business feels broken and I want to break, burn it down. Or those of you who have menstrual cycles, like maybe there's a season of your cycle, a week of your cycle where you're like, Everything feels broken and wrong. Are there like, maybe you're sick. Maybe you just had a baby. Maybe you just like moved and you're lonely. Like there are so many things that could be going on outside of business that could be really impacting you. And you could be kind of projecting that onto your business. You could be like trying to find a sense of control through your business. Again, I'm speaking from experience here. When I'm going through a lot of change, I tend to like project that onto my business and try to like Control things via the business. So again, just because you're pregnant or have one of these circumstances doesn't mean not to pivot. It just means I want you to have the acknowledgement and awareness to say that it could be impacting you because there have definitely been times where I've made dramatic changes during pregnancy or a C or circumstance like that. Newly postpartum and I'll go back in hindsight and be like, you know, kind of wish I'd waited that one out, kind of wish I'd given that a little bit more space. So if you are realizing that why you want to pivot is maybe external or maybe there are some special circumstances that could be making you feel different personally, I would say most likely my advice would be Give it a little bit of space. I, and there's not a set amount of time, six days, six weeks, six months, whatever. But like maybe just like give it a bit more room to breathe besides just like this 24 hour rapid fire thing that's happened, right? Like give it a couple of weeks, give it some breathing room, really see if it's a persistent thing or if it's this fleeting thing. And sometimes we won't know. That's the thing. Every step you, you make. Is your best, the best next step you can take at that time and be reassured in that because I truly believe like it's all about the journey. You're going to end up where you're meant to be. You're just taking the best step you can and you don't necessarily know what step comes next. All I want for you when you're making a pivot or change is to feel personally aligned and grounded in the choice you're making in what that next step is. And feel at peace knowing you may not know the next step after and you, if you can move forward and make the change and feel at peace that you don't know if it is the right choice, but it feels like the best choice you can make right now, make that choice with confidence and feel at peace. With whatever comes next and know that you can always change, you can always change it back. You can always change again. You can always pivot again. We are meant to evolve as people. You are not meant to be stagnant. You are meant to be learning and growing and changing and evolving. That's normal. So that's why I'm really not against pivoting and evolution and change in your business because it's a sign of growth. Usually it's a sign of progress personally, mentally. Spiritually within your business. And usually it's a good thing, but we just want to check in and make sure it's not super reactive. Um, only because of someone else's words or fear or a special circumstance that maybe is temporary. Um, and ultimately I want you to move forward with a pivot when you can feel like it's in alignment and feel like really grounded in whatever happens next, because you feel so solid in this choice. So I hope that this helps you gain a little bit of clarity on the things to think through and the things when I'm having a mentor, like a call with one of my mastermind or mentorship clients, when they want to make a big change or a pivot, these are some of the things we're going to talk through in order to make sure it's a grounded, solid choice. And that they're at peace with whatever needs to happen. And then we get into the fun strategy of like, okay, well, how are we going to do this? What does this look like? What's the timeline? Um, and that's where we get into the fun part. So that's one of my favorite things to do with my, my clients is like uncover the change. And then, you know, Actually like implement the change. Sometimes that's, you know, hiring a team. Sometimes that's getting rid of your entire team. Sometimes that's prepping for maternity leave. Sometimes it's introducing a whole new product suite and business model. Sometimes it's selling a business and starting a new one. Um, it can look like so many different things, which is really exciting. Um, and one of my favorite things to do. So if you are looking for support in making a change and making a pivot, I would love to support you in one of my higher proximity programs. Um, definitely DM on Instagram at simplify with Megan to see what. Um, options I have available right now. And if you're looking for a little bit more of just a mindset confidence boost, definitely check out my program unapologetic, which is going to help you become unapologetic and feel bold and confident in how you move forward in your business overall. The link to that will be in the show notes below, but if you are looking for more personalized support in. Evaluating a pivot, making a pivot, coming up with a strategy and making a change. Send me a DM on Instagram and I would love to have a conversation with you. If you liked this episode, we'd love it if you would share it, share it on Instagram stories and tag me, send me a DM, send me an email, let me know what you think. And of course leave a rating and review because that is how we continue to spread the word of the podcast. And I am just so grateful that you're here. Thank you for listening. I will see you in the next episode.

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