Simplify with Megan

094: Constraints are your superpower

August 12, 2024 Megan Minns King Episode 94

There will always be a reason you can’t do something. But by turning your constraints into your superpower, you’ll become a true innovator and icon in your industry. Your constraints can be your magic if you let them! 

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Welcome back to this episode of the podcast. We are chatting about what it looks like, what it means to work with your constraints, because it is so easy to look at your life and to look at the circumstances or the season you're in and see all of these limitations. and see them as something that's wrong, something that's bad, that's holding you back, that you need to fix or change, or that you need to wait for it to pass. Before you can move forward. This is going to look very different for everyone, but you know, that could look like something like you feel like you need to wait until your kids are older to Launch your private coaching or grow your business it could look like feeling frustrated with the software you use and its limitations and Trying to find new software constantly It can look like so many different things. It can look like having a maternity leave or being pregnant and feeling like everything has to be put on pause and you can't move forward and you can't do anything and it's ruining your business. It can look like a time constraint or an energy constraint. I mean, there's just so many different ways this can look right. But chances are, there's either something going on in your life right now, or that you've dealt with recently, or that's coming up for you that you are like, that's going to hold me back. Or slow me down, or I need to change it. And I really want to sit here, reassure you that your constraints can actually become your superpower. The things that are limitations. in your life and in your business can actually be bumpers on a bowling alley lane. Like they can actually help you stay on track, help you stay focused, help you stay prioritized, and they can actually make you a better business owner. And they can actually help your business grow faster if you change the way you look at it. So if it goes from being a bad thing, that's you believe is holding you back and instead look at it as a huge opportunity for you. Look at it as a way for you to stay crystal clear on your priorities. It can actually accelerate your growth or it can at the very least Be a differentiator for you. What makes you stand out? So in my season of life, it would be very easy to say that being a mom to young kids is too big of a time constraint or energy constraint that my business cannot be successful. I need to wait to even try until my kids are older and I have more time. But the reality is that actually by doing business, With less hours and getting creative and using that time constraint as a bumper for making really, really simple high ROI strategic choices, that actually becomes my differentiator. That is actually why my clients want to work with me, because I'm working within that constraint, because I don't have all the time and energy in the world, because I do have a constraint that either resonates with them or that is aligned with how they want to do things. Similar with, you know, maternity leave coming up. I could say, I can't run a group program, or I can't have private coaching clients during maternity leave. It's actually not true. I can continue to make money. I can continue to serve and support my community. I can grow my community. I can sell during maternity leave when. I view it as an opportunity, even coming back to like the tech thing, by choosing to go all in on Kajabi, for example, which is the software I use. It's an all in one. I use every single facet of it, um, by choosing to just go all, all in on that and not try to constantly be seeking improvement and other software options to, um, as my friend, um, Megan O'Toole says. By not going into tech debt, I can easily, easily use my choice to be all in on Kajabi as a strength, because I know that platform inside and out. I know where its limitations are. And instead of those limitations being something that's an issue, I just work around it. Come up with a solution. Move on. Oh, I can't do all these fancy design things. Cool. I'm not going to do them then. Again, that's kind of a differentiator. My website is very, very simple. Is it? Beautiful and aesthetic and like giving you all the cool vibes that can be done through us. No, it's not But it's simple. And part of that simplicity, not only aligns with my brand, it's part of my differentiator. I'll have the time to add all those bells and whistles to my website anyways, nor do I have the team or resources on board to do that. You know what I mean? And that's not where I'm choosing to invest right now. So it all works because I've leaned into it. I'm all in on the constraints right now. I have energy constraints because I'm pregnant and about to have a baby. I have time constraints because we have a limited window of childcare every day. And that's all I got. I have a priority self care constraints because, you know, I prioritize taking care of myself during that window. of childcare. I have software constraints because I'm choosing to only use key pieces of software and not reevaluate a bunch. I'm taking these constraints and leaning into them. I'm doubling down on them. I'm owning them. And in many cases by doing that, that is what makes me actually different in the market because I don't have 20 people on my team. Helping me. There's nothing wrong if you do, but because I don't, that's going to help me relate to and resonate with people who are in a similar circumstance. A lot of my clients are moms. Because they see that I get it and they want to work with a coach and a mentor who gets the constraints energetically Emotionally time wise on your life when you're a mom even when you child care some of them don't right So like if I was choosing to view it as a bad thing, no one would want to hire me Because who would want to hire a coach who views those same constraints as such a down, such a negative, an obstacle you can't overcome. So nine times out of 10, the things that you're viewing as an insurmountable obstacle, a limitation, you can't overcome a problem. You have to fix. You're doing not only you a disservice, you're doing your business a disservice, but you're also doing the people you could be helping a huge disservice because if you have a constraint that maybe you have a chronic illness, if you actually leaned into that and like talked about how you make it work, within that constraint, because you've chosen that you're going to make it work within that constraint. That can be an incredible differentiator. Or maybe you have all the time in the world, you're child free. Like again, that's amazing. Like that's a differentiator. That's going to make you stand. So I just want to challenge you and encourage you that whatever the circumstances are going on for you right now in life that are making you feel like you can't do something because of these issues, how can you flip the script? How can it become a superpower? How can it help you be more focused? How can it help you stand out? How can it be your differentiator? Sometimes it's going to be a differentiator in like the way you market your services overall. Sometimes it's just going to be a differentiator in like how your process works. And it's like, okay, a constraint for me could even be that I'm a perfectionist. Well, I have all these little things I do to help avoid that. Some of that's like how I podcast. And so I talk about that in my podcast about how I keep podcasting simple. You know what I mean? So it doesn't have to be like the whole thing, but it can be something you talk about that can be part of what makes you, you. And especially for those of you who are coaches, this is often your magic solution. If you're the type of person who loves. Sales calls, but doesn't have a ton of time. How do you make that work? If you're the type of person who absolutely doesn't do anything live, everything's asynchronous. I'm like, amazing. Talk about it. Right? Like usually that, that innovation is born because there was a problem. You have a chronic illness. So you can't have calls on your calendar. So you got really creative with doing things asynchronously or A, B, and C, you know, a million examples here, but I really want to challenge you. And what I want you to walk away from today is I want you to walk away from looking at all of these obstacles and challenges and constraints and limitations. Instead of being something you have to change or fix or wait whatever. How can it be your superpower? How can it be your differentiator? How can it be something you can leverage? How can it be something that actually enhances your business, enhances your process, and helps you actually grow faster because you are leaning All the way in, instead of spending all this time being frustrated and going in this feedback loop, you've just like decided with confidence and moved on and you've gotten creative and you're sharing about it. That's what I want for you. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send me a DM on Instagram or tag me at simplify with Megan would love for you to leave a rating and a review as well. And just know that I am here. Cheering you on and would love, love to support you as you grow your business and do it in a way that leans into the season of life you're in your strengths. the circumstances you're in and making it work. If you would like to work with me privately, check the show notes for any links, feel free to send me a DM on Instagram to see what private coaching or mastermind or special programs I'm running. That could be a good fit for you. And I will see you in the next episode.

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